© Carnaross National School 2018
On Friday the 30th of November Fifth and Sixth Class visited Microsoft's headquarters in Dublin to take part in its futuristic new DreamSpace learning initiative. The day started off with a short tour of the incredible building. We saw the digital lake and mountain and many of the ground floor restaurants. Next we entered DreamSpace. As we munched on delicious fruit pots, Amanda the DreamSpace teacher explained what we would be doing throughout the three hour workshop. We were immersed in new technology and worked in teams to solve problems. We used skills such as creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication. First of all, we were taught how to do coding and how to use a micro bit. Secondly we used mixed reality to create a video. Amanda then showed us our videos on the big screens! Everyone was very impressed! After a lovely lunch of sandwiches, crisps and cookies, it was time to go home. We were given a Microsoft bag that included a notebook, a pen, a DreamSpace sticker and earphones! We really enjoyed the day and described it as a once in a lifetime experience!