© Carnaross National School 2020
Green Committee 2018/2019
Green Committee
The Green Committee aims to direct and
address all phases of the Green Schools
Programme. It is the driving force of the
programme. Our Green Committee is made up
of representatives from each class, staff-
teaching and non-teaching and a member of
the community. We meet once a month. At
these meetings, we discuss actions and targets
involved in working towards our next Green
Flag (Global Citizenship-Litter and Waste)
while all the time maintaining the work
carried out on previous themes.
This year our focus is on:
Raising awareness on how looking after
our environment aids people all over
the world;
Promoting and facilitating ‘Active
Integrating the Global Citizenship Litter
and Waste ethos into our wider Green-
Schools programme;
Making an improvement in the Litter
and Waste management in our school.
Green Notice Board
All relevant Green Schools information is
displayed on our Green Notice Board. This
may include an up to date Action Plan,
Results of Surveys carried out in school and
community and interesting articles in
newspapers/magazines relevant to the current
theme of Global Citizenship-Litter and Waste.
Marcus Smith
Eoin Ennis
James Shortt
Eve Duffy
Seán Corrigan
Emilie Ploeg
Caitlin Mynes
Aifric Larkin
Daniel Dunne
Aoife Muldoon
Béibheann Bennett
Ciara McKenna
Jamie Hanratty
John Reilly
Ruby Bermingham
Emily Hanratty
We celebrated Tetra Pak Tree Day 2020 which took place on Thursday, 1st October.This year's
theme is Be A Force For Nature! ("Bí i do fórsa don nádúir!") which focuses on the things we
can do in our everyday lives to help nature and our environment. The number one tip this
year is to plant more trees! Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen and help reduce
the risk of climate change. They also provide shelter and food for birds, insects and animals !
All classes learned about the native trees planted in our mini-woodland.
Some classes went on nature trails and collected leaves and then did leaf rubbings back in
Planting Acorns
As part of Tree Day, some classes planted acorns acorns.
Materials: Cleaned, dried out milk cartons, compost, acorns, jugs, water.
We tested the acorns by placing them in a jar of water. If the seed sank, we predict that it
will grow. If the seed floated, we predict that it will not grow.
We pierced some holes in the bottom of the cartons.
We filled the cartons up to approximately ¾ level with compost.
We placed the acorns in the compost between 2 ½ and 5 cm under the surface.
We marked the cartons with `F` if the acorn floated and `S` if the acorn had sank.
We left the cartons in a sheltered corner in our Outdoor Classroom.
7 super savvy tips to help the
Go for a walk outdoors!
Look out for insects, worms, snails and ladybirds.
Collect twigs, leaves and flowers to make a collage
when you get home.
Get creative and make a bird feeder out of a carton
for your garden, balcony or window sill.
Become the recycling hero for your family!
Help them by showing everyone how to recycle
Plant wild flowers in your garden!
This will help to protect our bees.
Cut down on food waste!
If you don't eat all your lunch today, check if it will
keep until tomorrow.
Walk or cycle!
Walk, scoot or cycle to school and activities to
reduce air pollution and get some exercise in.
Plant a tree!
Trees absorb CO2 and release O2, helping us to
tackle climate change. They give shelter and food
to birds, animals and insects.